quarta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2009

a band

wait up!
there is an italian band called lost orange!

the friend of the lost orange recommends
to animate the londine clowdy morning


terça-feira, 6 de outubro de 2009

the snake


in this post it was supposed to be transcribed a conversation between the lost orange and the snake. it was held close to the warburg institute, in woburn square. the snake is a sage on cultural behavior, so 'she' could help for sure the lost orange.

it was said that the lost orange was very moved by the advices of the snake. one of the main discussion among them was the possibility of the lost orange to drift around and find some other interesting events in the city, somethinglike a distraction theory (it seems that the snake was aware of the text written by w. benjamin), through which the lost orange could find deviating ways to collect clues about it's friend, and, why not, even abort the mission of looking for 'it'.

the dialog between the lost orange and the snake will be published soon.
we don't know yet (at this point) what the lost orange decided upon the snake advices.

segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2009


the lost orange, or as we have been calling 'it', was found trying to mix itself and than be confused (or course), in a bag of apples. poor orange. it seems that 'it' was running away from any reasonable solution on the fact of looking or not for the friend, and/or finding and reporting actualities about the city where 'it' was lost.

does anyone knows how to help a lost orange? all the astrological websites assist only human beings, not exactaly feateble to an orange feeling.

the orange in 'it's' possible tought, was conveinced by the fact that mixing up with apples would lead to lern from their accurate relation to the promotion of love between human beings, which was the concern at the moment.

for 'it's' surprise, the apples were spanish speakers. the dialog was very limited. the lost orange has to abort the mission. the apples were soon involved in politics of care, and had some kind of intense collective carress that was observed by the lost orange, hidden behind the toaster.

domingo, 4 de outubro de 2009

sad history

the lost orange. nobody heard about the lost orange today.

sábado, 3 de outubro de 2009

saint paul

Saint Paul, for God sake! help the lost orange to find 'it's' own way. It's true we can see you above there, even the last lost orange with 'it's' fertile imagination. So that's why we make this call. We are still looking for the friend. And yes, we heard what you said in the past, and here we are just following the announcement. Looking for the truth...

sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2009


the lost orange keeps taking on and on about it's journey. the plastic bag 'it' got lost from definitely disappeared and problably flew away whit the wind, far away from the rounded limited movements of the lost orange.

some other day the lost orange found itself attached to an ordinary image and the writer here (sorry) don't know really if that was a mindly projection of belonging or if that was the cientific image of some 'orange world' to where the lost orange could roll up and find itself safe, far away from the oscilantions of an orangemind lost in a big city.

quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2009

the first announcement

the image above was copied from this website http://www.actorschurch.org/content/find/find.htm

the lost orange won't tell the whole story. let's start by the imminent fact:
'she', as the lost orange herself often can say, is in a mission to recover the timespace lost in a hurry, something like a saladwithout seat ... the lost orange is rolling to find a small corner between two cities, or two or more imaginations on the same city. the imminent fact is that 'she' lost a friend in front of a church. but no, not there where saint paul announced that jesus was comming ... yes, the rain was also an excuse. that was london, by the way!

if you fell like you can help the lost orange to find it's friend please leave a comment below this first announcement.

the friend of the lost o.